Monster Girl Commission Giveaway - CLOSED!

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Note: This giveaway is over and winners will be selected!

Hey Deviants,

We were giving away 5 FREE COMMISSIONS to followers of our dA page! 

That's right: FIVE. FREE. COMMISSIONS. And only for our DeviantART Monster Girl Fans!

To be eligible for a free commission, you MUST follow the instructions below:

1) Post a comment on this journal entry with your commission specs. You must follow the commission specs format!
2) We will choose 5 of our favorites.
3) Wait, we will let you know you've won by posting your commission here.

Commission Specs Format

Important note! These need to be Monster Girls, not Transformation. We already have Transform Fan for that! Your story can make brief mention of TF if it's really necessary, but the image itself needs to be a full-on monster girl, not a human in the process of transforming!

Title: Give your commission a clever title.

Characters: List each character with references (use for refs.) The characters can be famous comic book / game characters, your OCs, someone totally new, anything.

Location: Tell us where this commission takes place.

Synopsis: Tell us what is happening in the commission. Specifically: "what should the final, single image look like?"

Story: Write a short story (anywhere from 1+ sentences) that will add depth to your commission and help the public enjoy. A good story increases your chances of winning!

- All characters must be 18+.
- The focus has to be on (at least) one character who is a monster girl.
- You can make as many commission entries as you want. Separate by comment.
- You can win more than once!
- Your commission must follow dA's porn policy here:

This giveaway ended Friday, September 28, 2018 @ Midnight Pacific Time!

Thank you!
-MonsterGirl Fan Team

© 2018 - 2025 monstergirl-fan
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Phoinix102's avatar
I hope I'm not too late. I assumed that Midnight on Friday meant at the end of the day on Friday.

Title: A Big A-rack-nid Problem

Character: My drider OC, Arachne - [reference]

Location: A laboratory room set up for the testing of a growing/shrinking ray.

Synopsis: Arachne is standing in the middle of the room, where she had just been restored back to her regular height. She is looking down in shock at her breasts, which are now between sizes 3 and 4 in this reference and which now have mega-sized nipples (#8) in this reference. Her "shirt" part of her costume (i.e. the part that covers her upper human body) is now too small because of the breast expansion, kind of like what's happening to Green Lantern in this reference or this unrelated reference. You can show emotion through Arachne's mask lenses just like one would do with Spider-Man's (like this).


After Arachne had apprehended the villain known as the Cell while both of them had been reduced to miniature size by the Cell's shrinking ray, one of the drider's fellow superheroes, Talus, whose superhuman powers changed him into a living android, frantically worked on the Cell's shrinking device in order to figure out how to reverse the machine's effects. Once Talus had felt confident in understanding how the contraption worked, he straightway pressed the button that activated the growth ray, which would restore Arachne to her normal stature.

Just like when the Cell had first shrunk her down in size, Arachne felt a spell of vertigo as she was being affected by the ray. However, from seeing a flash of light, hearing a pop and a fizzle, and smelling a whiff of smoke, Arachne knew that something went wrong. Although the machine had given back Arachne's normal height, she suddenly felt an increased pressure on her chest. Since she started being a superhero, Arachne had always been pretty stacked in the bust department, but now it had turned for the ridiculous. When Arachne looked down at her breasts, she was horrified to see that she now had tits larger than beach balls hanging from her chest. They were so large, that her costume's top could not even contain them.

"You did this on purpose, you pervert!" Arachne accused Talus while trying to cover up her door knob sized nipples with her hands.

"Okay, while that might be a reasonable assessment under normal circumstances," Talus said in an attempt to defend himself, "the real culprit is this piece of trash that the Cell calls his high tech machinery."

When Arachne glanced over at the Cell's shrinking ray machine, she could confirm that the device had been fried by the enlargement process. It was definitely not in a state that would allow it to be used a second time. Fortunately for Arachne, her natural healing factor would eventually undo the adverse effects caused by the shrinking device. But until that would happen, Arachne was stuck with this ridiculous rack. She was only able to still be standing with that sized bust because of her so-called proportional strength of a spider. Arachne would just have to figure out what to do with herself while she waited for her body to fix itself. All she knew was that she was not going to be hunting any more supervillains that night: there was no way she could do her job effectively while hauling her now expanded girls around.