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Monstarules's avatar

TFX Legacy Transport Vehicle Sheet I - Remastered



Once upon a time, the Task Force had very different set of vehicles at their disposal. Currently, the megasheet has the third version of Task Force vehicles. Represented here are the reworked versions of the original (and I mean the absolute original) 4 main task force transport vehicles:
    - GCV IFV Lion I (and variants)
    - CTV JLTV
    - MRAP Cougar HE
    - Stryker Dragoon (and variants)

I'll be releasing reworks of the vehicles as I complete them. Of course, these are free use as long as you give credit under the GPL license. This is more protective than the standard Creative Commons license that is on DeviantArt. In the coming days, you will notice all of my sprites will have the GNU GPL license. This is a protective measure due to an epidemic of art being stolen and turned into NFTs illegally. Anyone who steals and monetizes this original artwork will be sued. I also reserve changing the licensing rights of my original work at any point in time, though it will still be a variant of a free-use license.

Image size
782x418px 38.9 KB
© 2022 - 2024 Monstarules
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Rawflesh0615A's avatar

I love your sprite bro. Yet, I DO credits on your famous work.