SF X TEKKEN Jin as Devil Jin vol 3monkeygigabuster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/monkeygigabuster/art/SF-X-TEKKEN-Jin-as-Devil-Jin-vol-3-335798024monkeygigabuster

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SF X TEKKEN Jin as Devil Jin vol 3



OH well here is the final update for Jin as Devil Jin series mod since this mod still receive still receive many intentions from others I decide to do a final justice for him

New features: to improve the mod
1/better horns
2/better Devil Glove(Claws added too)
3/better eye textures and new third eyes added
4/Fixed pale skin from previous version
5/finally,a whole new better pair of wings for this mod(I knew that many people don't like previous mods due to the wings so new wings will sell the points this time)

Replace swap costume

Hope you can enjoy this mod

From now on,Most of my SFIV and SF X TEKKEN mod as well as many other modders's stuff can be found in our Streetmodders group gallery :iconstreetmodders: : [link] so if you guys have time,please visit our gallery,we will be very appreciated
© 2012 - 2025 monkeygigabuster
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