SF X TEKKEN Jin as Devil Jin pack vol 2monkeygigabuster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/monkeygigabuster/art/SF-X-TEKKEN-Jin-as-Devil-Jin-pack-vol-2-306270610monkeygigabuster

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monkeygigabuster's avatar

SF X TEKKEN Jin as Devil Jin pack vol 2



Since this mod has received lots of attention and feed back I decided to update this mod into a full pack with lots of new improvement feature:
1/Updated the glove to make it more devilish and in addition with claws too(Devil Jin has claws right ?)
2/Two versions of wing for you to choose(plus with no wing and horn version)
3/Included red pants and white pants to let you have more option(since you can't customize the pants and shoes)
4/Fixed the horn to be smaller for the better accuracy
5/add sharp teeth(although it is hard to see but he has devil teeth now,LOL)
6/New and better Pandora mode transformation
7/fixed chain to correct position because it seems that people preffered the chain in right place
8/Finally If any of you don't like the devil eye style in SF X TEKKEN trailer I have include another devil eye for the white pant as can be seen on the picture

I guess this will be the last time i updated for this mod

Hope you can enjoy this mod

From now on,Most of my SFIV and SF X TEKKEN mod as well as many other modders's stuff can be found in our Streetmodders group gallery :iconstreetmodders: : [link] so if you guys have time,please visit our gallery,we will be very appreciate

Thanks to :iconsomebody2978: the skin is fixed now,you can download here: [link]
© 2012 - 2025 monkeygigabuster
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its a normal question though do i have to save this file where i have my sftk ?