underwater - premade bgmonika-es-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/monika-es-stock/art/underwater-premade-bg-362134846monika-es-stock

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monika-es-stock's avatar

underwater - premade bg



made from my own photos.

My rules in few words:
credit me!
notify my!
do not claim my resources as your own and redistribute them!

You have my permission to:
post work with my stock outside of DA as long as you credit me and notify me!
sell your art piece as a print (which contains my stock) as long as you fully credit me and notify me!

:+fav: is always good !

my main account --> :iconmonika-es: My art Instagram: www.instagram.com/monika_es_ar… Please tag me if you upload your work with my stock there. 
Image size
2962x4597px 4.84 MB
© 2013 - 2025 monika-es-stock
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