Pireias x MorynMonica-NG on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/monica-ng/art/Pireias-x-Moryn-262297086Monica-NG

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Pireias x Moryn



I have no time for nothing with job + classes! But I can doodle things in weekend :D

I sketched this during a roleplay in a sketchbook I bought in a (dollar store?) XD

Well... They are Moryn (the girl) and Pireias (the scarred boy). They are the characters of a short story I'm working on, for my online novel "El Refugio" [link] He lost his memories after they punished him with a kind of magical flagelum (he got wounds in all his body, and lost one eye :(), and she found him and cured his wounds :) After they fell in love, yay. A lovely and cute love story in a very sad tale :)

I will use this sketch for illustrate the short story, I also will draw some more for the other chapters :)
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750x818px 162.35 KB
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mirie's avatar
Qué chulada... Yo hace siglos que no cojo un lápiz... con la mudanza no encuentro mi bloc de bocetos y ahora no encuentro ninguno con el tipo de papel que me gusta... A ver si termino con los exámenes y retomo el dibujo que lo tengo requeteabandonado, también la wacom...