Disapproving eyeballsMommaShy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mommashy/art/Disapproving-eyeballs-493928156MommaShy

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Disapproving eyeballs



Discord was being bad, because of course he was, and now Fluttershy has to put him in his place. Though from that coy expression, I'm certain he just thinks she's cute when she's angry. However she successfully tackled him from the looks of things. XD
Watercolor and Colored pencil.
Image size
1000x798px 312.81 KB
© 2014 - 2025 MommaShy
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Ik is a family show, but a lot of us are old enough to wonder there,… adult sessions alone must be wildly interesting.😅,🤔 like especially when they spend time together in discord ‘s world, 😅 like I would imagine in private celestia makes sure fluttershy is in good hands being one of the only ponies dating a powerful god like discord.😅 but I’m also sure discord loves fluttershy so there isn’t much to worry at all.