See new journal for commission information!I created a new journal to put this back up on my profile page! Please order there, thank you! :)

See new journal for commission information!I created a new journal to put this back up on my profile page! Please order there, thank you! :)
Last Major Update: 4/24/18
Last Commission Progress Update: 4/24/18
I added a simplified version of this journal and added slots relative to "large" or "small" projects.
Thank you for your patience!
Feel free to skip to the bullet list for basic rules and important stuff.
I don't have a secret password or anything,
I just like to make sure I've got all my bases
That's why I've basically written a novel here!
>>Alternatively here is a simplified version of this journal! <<
Rules and Information:
If you're ever dissatisfied with my work, please tell me! You paid for it, I want you to be happy with it if at all possible! I'll rework something a couple of times if I need to.
Also, if we discussed a commission but you did not order one within a month of my prices being raised I'm still willing to keep the old price! I don't want to rip anyone off or seem like I'm trying to take advantage of anyone!
This is also in the bullets below but if you have an issue with my pricing do not bring it up in the comments! Note me! I like hearing others' opinions on things! If you don't note me you will get a warning on first offense but if you continue to be a problem, you will be blocked! I was naive a long while back and didn't think I needed to say this but apparently it warranted me being told my art was nearly worthless on my new public journal that everyone could see and were visiting! I agreed that my art did, and still does, need work but I was very upset to see someone telling me I should take less than fifty cents for my art out in public like that. Sorry for the trouble!
If you can't think of anything to commission from me but would still like to support me I do have an account over at Ko-fi. I offer this option because I personally want to support a few artists, but never have anything worth commissioning from them! So I like to give a little tip if I'm not broke!
How Fast Do I Work?
I try my best to get things done in a timely manner, but I do have a life. Please allow for up to a week(sometimes longer if I have multiple orders) on icons sized 50x50 or smaller, but anything bigger than 50x50 could take awhile and it can take a lot longer if you ordered multiples of any size. Ideally I can get an item done in a day, but I need time to run a sketch by you if needed, to confirm color choices, and to make sure I've done everything I can to get it done right. Items like this can also slow me down because I really have to process how to make the shape properly for some reason.
I have a problem with procrastination that I'm currently trying to get under control, so the bigger the item the more I tend to struggle. I have realized recently that I can usually get anything 50x50 and smaller done easily but things much bigger than that I have a hard time focusing on. I felt I needed to be upfront about this.
The smaller the icon and the less of them ordered at once, the faster I can get them done. I can probably get five 32x32 items done much, much faster than five 100x100 items. For context its taken me several months to get five 100x100 items completed. I get stressed and overwhelmed with a big load of work at once. Something like this on its own, however, could take at least a month to get done because it tends to wear me out.
Do tell me if you need something done in a specific time limit right away!
I Want Something You Haven't Offered Here!
That's really cool! I enjoy trying new things at times! So here are a few warnings and issues I may have!
I can't really code much of anything, I struggle heavily there and don't know if it will ever be possible, so I don't really have a way to test out some things. As long as you're willing to help me while I help you, we can try to work something out.
Very large projects, such as tilesets and literally more than one or two large pixels at a time, are difficult for me to work on. I've only just recently learned that this is a problem for me. I have taken on a couple of large projects that I realize now aren't really good for me or the people that ordered them; I feel very lucky to have such patient customers. I have a lot of trouble completing these projects because they tend to overwhelm me very quickly. This may be due to some untreated issues I have going on right now, which I plan to get looked into eventually.
Important Points to Remember

What You Can Do With Your Purchase:
Once paid for the artwork is yours. Repost it, use it on other sites: have a blast!A link back is always appreciated, but not required.
DO NOT use it commercially unless we discussed it before I completed the artwork.
DO NOT take credit for my work.
Current Commission List
You can check here for progress updates!If one commission is easier to do than another I may finish the easier one first. I tend to switch projects to stay focused sometimes so that can happen as a result.
I'm sorry I'm making things complicated here, but I feel like this may be a better way to go about some issues I've been having.
Large projects are orders that require me to make more than two or three 100x100 or larger icons at a time. Small icons can become large projects if there are more than three ordered at once.
Small projects are orders for a couple of icons or maybe one large pixel.
I don't know where non-pixel art falls yet, feel free to ask anyway.
(FULL)Large Project List:
1. 7 150x150 Icons for Verridith (Paid; Sketching 6/7 Images; Finished 5/7)
Small Project List:
What I'm Offering:
I will, usually, try to draw almost anything but I can't promise that I will be able to draw everything! I love a challenge, too!
However, with characters in general I have trouble with poses. I'm trying to work on the issue, but if I don't think I'll be able to manage what you ask for I'll be sure to let you know.
My animating ability is currently very limited, as well. I can do blinking, simple bouncing, a shine and sparkles. I can also do a very simple walk cycle on a small sprite. I may refuse to do other animations if I feel like I'd be giving you unacceptable work for your money.
This is a spot reserved for YCH or sales.Icons or Avatars For DA or Other Websites:

-Usually 50x50 pixels, but I can do 100x100 pixels but the price will be at least double the base price for 50x50.
-I assume these are for personal use, but please tell me if you are using it commercially.
-Please let me know if you'd like a background or if you'd prefer it transparent. If nothing is said I usually default to transparency.
-These are a minimum of 3USD or 300 points. The difficulty/detail required can cause the price to go up a dollar or two.
Group Icons or Stamps:

-Group icons are 150x50 and stamps are 99x56 maximum.
-These are a minimum of 5USD depending on the amount of detail or difficulty.
Game Objects:

-Can be 24x24 or 32x32 or 48x48 pixels, ask for other sizes.
-You MUST tell me if its going to be used commercially!
-I can't work on a tileset at this time.
-Please contact me for prices. The level of detail, number of items, size, and commercial or personal usage will impact pricing.
Page Dolls

-Usually around 100x100 to 200x200 pixels, but it does not have to be that exact ratio. I can make them smaller, as well. Just ask!
-I will not work on more than one page doll per order! I can get overwhelmed by large pixels if there are more than one to tackle at a time. If I feel comfortable later I may increase the number.
-I can offer blinking, floating, shine and sparkle animations, but that's about it right now. I'm not very good at animating.
-This will be a minimum of 6USD or 600 points for most non-humanoids, could be cheaper if small enough and easy enough to do. A full-body humanoid character will cost at least 8USD or 800 points.
MISC. Pixel Art

-Can't find what you'd like? Feel free to ask me about it! I'm open to new things, usually!
-If you're not sure I can do what you want feel free to ask about it anyway!
Non-Pixel Art
My tablet pen appeared after having lost it again for two months. It was in a spot that I checked.... several times.
So, I can do these now!
I honestly don't know how much to charge, so you're welcome to make an offer in a note!