20 Days of Pixels: Open To All

12 min read

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MomentaryUnicorn's avatar

Its that time of year again! 

I tried this last year as well, but decided it may be best to reduce the
number of days because the holidays tend to eat up a lot of time!  
I think I finished twenty out of twenty-five last year, but I decided shorten it a bit anyway!

I'm definitely doing this but anyone is allowed to join me if they'd like to!  
You can join late, too!  I don't mind at all.  
It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner or experienced, I'm just happy to see people doing pixel art!  :) (Smile)
You can find some of last years' participants' works here!

21x21 F2U Small Red Button by MomentaryUnicorn Themes  21x21 F2U Small Red Button by MomentaryUnicorn

  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Giftbox 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Kindness 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Outdoors 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Music 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Fruit 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Candy 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Love 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Beauty 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Something Personal 
  11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Happiness 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Cookies 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn  Joy 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Try something new!
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn  A Hot Drink 
11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn  A Seasonal Food   

A Few Guidelines and Information

I don't expect a lot of people to join me,
but if you have any questions at all if you decide to join me
please ask in the comments below!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn This is just for fun, there are no prizes or anything like that!
Feel free to spread the word though! 
Its fun seeing what everyone comes up with!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn If you're newer to pixel art and have any questions
feel free to note me or comment on this journal!  I'm happy to help!

 I shouldn't have to say this, but don't make offensive works!  
This is a time of joy, cheer and kindness, don't spoil it!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn If you decide to participate with me, tag me somehow in the artwork 
or just come tell me here on the journal when you've completed one: 
I'll add it to a special folder in my favorites!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn I will feature some of my favorite pieces that others have made 
some time after the final day, likely around the 23rd or 25th!
I don't care if you're a beginner or super experienced:
I will try to pick at least one thing from each participant!
I don't expect a large turnout, but in the event that there are more people
 than I expected I may have to do more than one feature.

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn If you ask in the comments below I can
also put your name in the participants list
 so others can check your profile out!
I don't want to list anyone that doesn't want to be listed, 
that's why I ask that you let me know and give permission first.

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn If you don't want a certain piece featured or your work featured at all,
or added to the new favorites list I'm going to make,
 let me know and I will respect your decision!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn It is perfectly fine, and maybe even recommended in some cases, 
to ask permission before giving someone gift art.  
It doesn't have to be a complete surprise!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn Nothing has to be literal, you can make whatever you're inspired to make!

 If you don't have time to do them all, its okay!  Have fun with what you can!

11x11 F2U Tiny Green Button by MomentaryUnicorn They don't even have to be done in order if you don't want to, 
sometimes inspiration doesn't come right away and that's understandable!

39x47 F2U Big Red Festive Button by MomentaryUnicorn


(Only listed with your permission!)
Please comment below if you plan to participate and want to be listed here!

:iconalas--arts:  :icondangerouslyslowcat:

This year's collection!

64x64 Festive Bells (F2U) by MomentaryUnicorn 64x64 Festive Bells (F2U) by MomentaryUnicorn 64x64 Festive Bells (F2U) by MomentaryUnicorn

 This is also a good time to remind everyone about Net Neutrality! 

If you live in the United States its very important to call your representatives;
it is very likely that we will be charged a lot extra to play video games or stream videos!
We might even have trouble accessing image-heavy sites like this one!
I personally think that this will also kill the internet as we know it today!
The internet is an information super-highway, whether you share news or memes!
We don't need to be squelched because Verizon/Comcast/Mediacom/etc don't like our opinions!

Protect your memes, contact your government!

© 2017 - 2025 MomentaryUnicorn
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TrixyNetex's avatar
I might give this a go :D