Favourite Movies
Godzilla, How To Train Your Dragon, Marvel, Reign of Fire, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and etc
Favourite TV Shows
Impractical Jokers, Game of Thrones, Wild Kratts, The Cuphead Show, Pokemon, Stranger Things, and etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Prince, Elvis Presley, J. Geils Band, The Hollies, Toni Basil, Lee Ann Rimes, Britney Spears, Lo-Fi
Favourite Books
Anything Fantasy and Non-Fiction
Favourite Writers
Stephen King
Favourite Games
Metroid, Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Pokémon Go, Mario Kart, Mario Party
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo Switch, Wii, PC, GameCube
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Hanging Out with Friends