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Dynamic Zenk



EDIT: Wow, Dev really shat on the quality of this.... my apologies I may re-upload as a JPEG to see if that changes as this is another PNG file. 

Well, Well. I finally finished something. Wow! Fireworks! 

I decided to post this as I'm kinda stuck with the development on this drawing as I'm still pretty "new" to Medibang still and the overall general tips and tricks for shading lining and colouring images when doing digital art. mainly because of my lack of motivation to stay committed to improving/learning. I still have a long way to go with my skills and how i can be more efficient when doing digital art.

For now this is where my skills are at I guess. 
I experimented with clipping layers, methods of lining and blending said lines. 

Shading techniques when it comes to clipping and all the other fun stuff. As I said, I still need a lot of work to perfect my skills.
I'm overall happy with the post, and image just I'm not keen on the shadowing and lighting as they don't quite blend well. For m personally anyway. 

Anyway enjoy my blue girl Zenk in a dynamic pose. 

Art and Character rights © me -  MokimoDragon
Image size
4093x2894px 1.26 MB
© 2019 - 2024 MokimoDragon
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