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Female Parcel Deliverer Pt.1



Nakita has been with the company for a year. She got her truck driver's license at the age of 18. So she could take the job. When she made the delivery for the saleswoman with the dumbbells, her boss said tomorrow you'll have a challenge. You are still young and fit. Ok she said. The next morning her truck was already being loaded by the night shift. Nakita's address is a new gym. Oh great, maybe I'll join as a member. But when she got there, she opened the back doors. What is that? She jumped in to look, that's 2 complete lat pulldowns with 350 kg weight stacks each. Ok, I can handle that somehow. Ohhh... She was looking for someone who is responsible for where, she looked at the clock I'm too early. She still had 2 roll platforms and 2 protective films for the edges. Ok she pulled the entire lat pull to the edge. She went down when she realized she had to bend her upper arm to pull it out of the truck. So it doesn't get scratched. She tightened everything and pulled the almost 400kg frame out of the truck. Offf it's difficult, my boss is crazy, you'd need 2 people for that. Why me? Just because I'm new or a small petite woman. When the project manager just came, he saw how she was holding the lat pulldown with tense biceps. He looked at her, startled. As she growled her delivery has arrived. Damn I almost forgot. When he had to use her muscles. Her biceps stuck out rock hard from her arm, even though she wasn't even fully bent. But what shocked him is that she can hold the enormous weight like that. She's a head shorter than him., and she looked like she wasn't even grown up yet.
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3840x2160px 13.18 MB
© 2022 - 2024 MojosMightyGirls
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hehe she still has a smile in the picture even though she is holding so much weight, she is enjoying it =)