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Wisselende Wisselaars Leugens en Waarheden 034



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Vertaaler: :iconminecraftfan2000:
Schrijver: :icongraeystone:
Artiest: :iconmoemneop:

:iconmoemneop:: I'm sorry for the huge delay again, but here is the next page!

I'm optimistic that I can improve the schedule starting with the next
chapter. I will start using the more rough line art style I use in some
of my drawings, since that's where I can save a lot of time while
keeping a similar quality.
Also, my school will be much less demanding from now on, giving me more spare time for the comic and other drawings ;)

We will release page 35
(next chapter's title page) in the next two weeks, together with a
short summary of part 1 so you get a little reminder of what happened ;)
I expect page 36 in March, trying to get back to a 3- or 2-week schedule.

This comic is also available in other languages
Image size
1400x1900px 2.35 MB
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