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Wisselende Wisselaars Leugens en Waarheden 013



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That answers that question about 'how can Derpy resist Chrissie's mental control'?
Of course it also raise some more questions.
Also some good news. I've been wanting to add more information in some way
that couldn't be done in the comic. Doing so would make the comic way
longer than it is planned. I decided to go back to my roots and write
short stories that deal with certain aspects of the comic that are too
big. Here is the first story and I hope everyone enjoys it as they enjoy
the comic-
Pain of FreedomAuthor's Note - This is one part of a series of short stories concerning the fan-comic Shifting Changelings Lies & Truth. These stories concern events(mostly past events) that are too big to cover in the comic. There is no chronological order to these stories. If you have not read the comic then please do so. Unless you read the comic these stories won't make much sense. Click here to read 'Shifting, Changelings, Lies & Truths'.

Pain! The sun began setting and the Changeling's head felt like exploding as unconsciousness gave way to an incredible pressure. Pain! Her vision returned and she saw the horrific killing field. Hundreds if not thousands of her fellow Changelings dead or dying. Their bodies evaporating into the air as a water puddle evaporates on a hot summer day and the air thick with the stench of death. Pain! The Changelin

There might not be another page before August since I'm still working on my thesis for the rest of the month.
The upside is that I have vacations after that, so there might be more pages in August ;)
Until then... you can read the short story above, it gives some interesting background info about Shifting Changelings ;)

Vertaaler: :iconminecraftfan2000:
Schrijver: :icongraeystone:
Artiest: :iconmoemneop:

This comic is available in multiple languages, including English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian.
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