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Wisselende Wisselaars Leugens en Waarheden 009



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Vertaaler: :iconminecraftfan2000:
Schrijver: :icongraeystone:
Artiest: :iconmoemneop:

Sorry about the drama that happened during the previous page. That mess
really took away with what I want to say but enough of that.

I am
looking for a 'proof reader' of sorts for a side project that I'm
working for the comic. I am looking for someone who is good with biology
that deals with how various life forms reproduce.
Just drop me a
Note if you're interested. You will get Full Acknowledgement... and
maybe a Llama if I didn't give you one already.

Its true that
sometimes the reader's reaction isn't what the author(s) expected. This
is so true in the last page. I had hoped the WHAM! moment was the Pony
Changeling talking to the Real Pony. Never in a million years would I
have guessed it ended up being the Changeling Flower that got all the
attention. Oh well, it keeps things interesting.

One last thing - TVTropes pleeze!

This comic is available in multiple languages, including English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian.
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1400x1900px 2.51 MB
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Dogman15's avatar
How is this different from the other German page?