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Wisselende Wisselaars Leugens en Waarheden 008



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Vertaaler: :iconminecraftfan2000:
Schrijver: :icongraeystone:
Artiest: :iconmoemneop:

The comic seems to very popular because it ended up on a Russian site. .
.without our permission. If you want to do a translation or host it on
another site then just ask me or moe(who will contact me). 99.9% of the
time I will say 'Yes.' All I need is the URL for the website. Once I
give it a quick look and make sure the site is legit, then I will say
'Yes.' However if you just grab it and post the comic without permission
then I'm going to have to ask for it to be taken down.
The reason why I'm doing this is because-
1) Its manners to ask.
2) Make sure the comic doesn't end up on a pay site. Artists in the past
have found their stuff on pay sites without permission. Also if moe and I
can't profit from this then neither can anyone else. I'm the writer. In
the US, plagiarism can hit a writer harder than an artist especially
when someone is trying to make money off of it regardless of whether I
know about it or not. I don't want or need that kind of headache and I'm
sure moe doesn't want to put up with it either in regards to German

This comic is available in multiple languages, including English,
German and Spanish.
Image size
1400x1900px 2.61 MB
© 2016 - 2024 moemneop
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