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Shifting Changelings Lies and Truths 018



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Yes, Derpy is that old. Because Changelings are shapeshifters (physical+magical) their cells constantly rejuvenate and the Healing Puddle does slow down the aging process making them able to live for at least 2000 years before their cells can no longer rejuvenate. At that point the cellular rejuvenation becomes like any other normal life form and changeling then has a normal lifespan.

written by :icongraeystone:
drawn by :iconmoemneop:

This comic is available in multiple languages, including Dutch, French, German and Spanish.

edit (6.10.16): fixed text (thanks to :iconbauerle:!)
edit (18.12.16): fixed text bubble colors
Image size
1400x1900px 2.21 MB
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rautamiekka's avatar
Any chance to get an updated version for translating where the books lack the titles ?