Shifting Changelings Lies and Truths 017moemneop on DeviantArt

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Shifting Changelings Lies and Truths 017



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After giving certain plot ideas some thought, I've came up with some really neat ideas that will greatly improve the story from what I had originally planned. Page 17 starts a complete rewrite for the rest of the story except for the ending. The overall plot hasn't changed either. Its just the 'how' that's been changed.

I finally changed the art style for the princesses. It's not perfect yet, but I like it much more now. What do you think?

written by :icongraeystone:
drawn by :iconmoemneop:

This comic is available in multiple languages, including Dutch, French, German and Spanish.

edit (20.9.16): fixed text (thanks to :iconcaustizer:!)
edit (6.10.16): fixed text (thanks to :iconph00tbag:!)
Image size
1400x1900px 1.71 MB
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