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Shifting Changelings Lies and Truths 000 - Title



The title page of the comic Shifting Changelings Lies & Truths.
I think the title is pretty much self describing but you can find a teaser page below ;)

This comic is on hold indefinitely and there are some subjective flaws around page 32. Don't expect too much.

Page 1 (English)

The comic is available in these languages:

Page archive:

Shifting Changelings Lies & Truths on tumblr
Shifting Changelings on Canterlot Comics (including all translations)

written by :icongraeystone:
drawn by :iconmoemneop:

Summary of part 1:
Shifting Changelings Part 1 summaryI guess it took a while for this chapter to be finished, 2.5 years actually (I'm trying to do the next chapters faster!). I guess some of you might need a quick reminder of the story, so here is a (very) short summary:
Luna talked to Celestia about a nightmare. Some changelings were threatening another changeling that seemed to hide from Chrysalis. Luna tried to talk to the changeling but if fled.
It turned out that Derpy is a Changeling hiding in Ponyville, but the princesses and Chrysalis don't know yet.
The princesses decided to start a search for the Changeling, since it might be one of Chrysalis secret plans.
Chrysalis noticed that one Changeling left the hive mind and tries to find it. For a second she managed to get control over Derpy and forced her to change back to changeling, but Derpy managed to resist. A brain damage separates her from hive mind. Chrysalis decided to kill the hidden Changeli

Teaser page:
Shifting Changelings Lies and Truths (Teaser) by moemneop
Image size
2800x3800px 8.28 MB
© 2015 - 2024 moemneop
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rautamiekka's avatar
I created a dedicated folder for the porrisavvo translation of the series so I'm not polluting (might be a wrong word) my general translations folder:…

When I start the Standard Finnish translation I'll make it a dedicated folder.