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~ 11 hours

~ Autodesk Sketchbook with Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch
"If you ever fall I'll pick you up; if you lose your way I'll pave you one.
I'm in it with you

EDIT: Before anyone asks, yes I am aware of the overall context of the verse that I referenced in the piece
I know I've barely been active lately... It's partially because of school, but it's also because of personal things going on.
For those of you who don't know, I was recently diagnosed with a panic disorder; it's a predominately biological issue that I've apparently had since birth and recently it took a horrible turn for the worst.
It heavily affected my relationship with God... It was predominately because I had resorted to things other than prayer and coming to Him to cope for a while. As a result I ended up condemning myself and thinking that He was angry with me to the point where I couldn't ask Him for forgiveness anymore; I figured "my relationship with Him - the most important relationship in my life - is over..." So I figured that my life was over along with it; afterall, He is my life.
I nearly took my own life on October 25th, 2018. That would have been the date on my death certificate with all the medication I was on the verge of swallowing because I believed the lie that I would be doing the people around me - and God Himself - a favour if I were gone.
But thanks to the support of my friends, my family, my mentors and my campus minister, I am still living.
It took a while... I found it so incredibly hard for me to accept that God really did love me, that He is gentle and kind with me even in His convictions.
It took a while... It took a lot of tears, a lot of talking it out, a lot of prayer... A lot of making myself see Him with my heart's eye and a lot of waiting on the Holy Spirit's comfort to come over me.
Then on Monday, October 29th, 2018, He led me to make this.
And it is literally a spitting image of what He put on my heart... I am so incredibly thrilled and blessed by my King that He said to Me "live!" on that night; that night, and the days that followed, changed me and my relationship with my King forever.
I hope you all enjoy it, and that this will come as an inspiration to those who have ever believed the lie that their life is not worth living; listen to His voice, because He is crying out to you, beckoning you to live.
May God bless and keep you all and yours, and may His love resonate within your hearts

Art © Me!
Image size
784x1369px 2.65 MB
© 2018 - 2025 modern-day-outsider
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