July Theme - Yellow Flowers

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sunshine yellow by Dieffi

                                           Green Heart Icon :iconjugnuworld: Green Heart Icon 
                                          ~ Shining a Light on Your Art ~
                      Thank you to our members who have participated in this theme and
                                       for submitting such beautiful work!
      We hope that you all enjoy these artworks dedicated too, and representing, Yellow Flowers
she wakes up by eReSaWNature's Beauty by BGaiSILENT WORDS ~ on my balcony by DAGAIZMYellow flag iris by Vaya-DragonHottentot fig by Vaya-Dragonchesapeake sunrise (unedited) by Nimbue
hopeful by NimbueTHE END IS ALSO BEAUTIFUL by IME-PhotographyWhen the rain stops by dashakern
Orient fantasy by innacGladdest Thing Under The Sun - Chain 00 Pong 285 by recycledrelatives
Yellow Lily by recycledrelativesSUNFLOWER CARD by IME-PhotographyBrave the rain by IsabellaJainePhoto
When the Wattles Bloom by Lotus105Yellow flowers by haseeb312Rising above by haseeb312Variations in Yellow by organicvisionHere comes the sun by VasiDragos
compete with the sun by eReSaWThe Lineup by Art-By-Mel-DAThe Glorious Fourth by Yesterdays-PaperThe Core by PaigeMillsArt

                               Standing Tall by DPasschier

                                 Yellow Burst by PaigeMillsArt 
Peace by DPasschierSpring awakening by VasiDragosAwakening by awesome43Yellow Tansy by IRIS-KUPPEgg Plant by IRIS-KUPPGolden wonder by MontyMouse
Bodnant's Beauty by MontyMousesunny side up by TanteTabatasea of yellow blossoms by TanteTabataYellow bedstraw by vikaherbs Celandine by vikaherbs
Tournesol by Triplechocsunshine yellow by DieffiA flower for Heidi by DieffiSpring Flowers 2 by Til-Til
                                                            Green Heart Icon Green Heart Icon Green Heart Icon 
                         You can enter August's theme Blue and Orange :
                            and the theme at love-new-artists Sunset : HERE

Skin by Dan Leveille
© 2019 - 2024 mockingbirdontree
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LadyoftheApocalypse's avatar
These are beautiful! Congratulations to the artists!