
Revenge Gone Wrong

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You couldn't help but laugh to yourself, after a couple days of waiting, your ticket to freedom had finally arrived. You head to class soon after storing it in your bag.

Knowing that most of your problems will be gone by the end of today, you've been a bit extra cheerful. As classes pass by, you get more and more excited. With a nice long break between two of your classes, you take your normal Tuesday lunch break. With your bag right at your side, you buy lunch and find a nice place to sit. You've been daydreaming about how the situation will pan out;

Your bully comes up to you, demands you follow them as they lead you to a lonely area of the building or a bathroom. They start with their usual harassment, trying to take whatever money you have left over. But now, you can finally turn the tables on them when you reach into your bag and shrink them down. The slow transformation of smugness to terror as they have to look further and further up at you, becoming more fearful with each disappearing inch. Finally, they'll be the one afraid.

You giggle again to yourself as you picture the sight of them dwindling down in size right before you, wondering what you could do to them. Maybe you'd take them with you to have some well deserved payback, maybe you'd snuff them out right then and there, or even just leave them for whatever lucky soul stumbles (or stomps) upon them next.

As you continue to ponder your future options, you feel a hand on your shoulder taking you out of your trance. You turn to see them with a nice fake smile as they "politely" invite you to come with them. You grab your bag with both arms as you do your best to pretend this was their idea.

As they lead you behind one of the rarely used staircases in the building, you can't believe how perfectly it's going to your plans. You can't help but feel a bit happy and hug your bag just a little closer.

They come to a stop and turn towards you, dropping the "friendly" smile they were wearing for a more sinister one. You do your best to react how you normally would; slight tremble, averting your eyes. With your head down, you can smile a bit while you hug your bag closer. Everything is going exactly to plan, next they'll insult me and demand the rest of my mon- "Watcha got in the bag?" ...what?

Shocked, you can't even react before their hands comes towards you. This isn't how it's supposed to go! They were supposed to take my money and start counting what I had, it'd be the perfect opportunity! Your brain is running a million miles a minute as you desperately fight for your bag. Yet, like every other time, you stood no chance against them.

They easily push you back, and start digging through your bag as you land on the floor, legs giving out in fear as they pull out your prize. A shrink ray.

You begin to shake as they inspect the weird looking device, before seeing the nice big logo of "TinyTech" on the side. As your soon to be captor points the shrink ray towards you, you immediately resort to begging them not to use it. But, before a word can even escape your mouth, a beam of light shines on your now tearful face.

As the light fades, you see their face growing distant. Their eyes growing wide, not expecting it to work.

You already had to look up at them from the floor but now they begin to stretch higher and higher. You close your eyes in fear, hoping that this was a bad dream. Some nightmare stemming from your plotting over the past few weeks. As you try to wake yourself up you hear it. Laughing. Like thunder. Your eyes shoot open.

Your head looks up... and up.... and up. Before finally seeing your now god-like bully towering over you, with the biggest grin you've ever seen.

Finally, your legs start working again. Fueled by a mix of adrenaline and fear. You run. You run as fast as your now tiny legs could possibly carry you. All you can hear is them laughing. It drowns out your own footsteps. You keep running as you're starting to run out of breath. You know you can't stop though, and instead turn around for a brief moment.

Their shoe is lifted up, and begins coming down towards you.

With a loud crash, you're flung forward as your tormentor begins to laugh again. It's even worse as your stare back at them. Their evil smile on clear display as you've been made into a literal toy for them. Needing to get away from the sight, you manage to pick yourself back up and sprint, the terror you feel overpowering any fatigue you were feeling before then.

You're clear of the staircase when you realize that they're not following you. You look back again and see that they're just watching. Trained right on you, still chuckling to themselves as they find amusement in your pathetic attempt to get away. They knew you'd never get away, but that didn't stop you from running your heart out. Surely if you could find some sort of crevice to hide in, you would have a chance. You frantically look around the corridor when-


It's as if a building had fell in front of you and rolled. It takes you a moment to realize what had disrupted your desperate escape when you finally realize you're looking into the mouth of their newly discarded shoe.

Before you can run straight into it, you force yourself to a sudden stop. What turns out to be a terrible idea as your exhaustion catches up with you. You collapse onto the ground as you hear it again.

Laughter from the heavens, or from hell, you don't know which anymore. Followed by the earthquakes of your new owner walking towards you.

Hello again! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

This story originally had a bit of a gag ending, involving Crocs and going back towards unaware territory. Instead, I changed it for the ending you see here, which is much more my fashion!

This is your typical, "Shrink down your bully for revenge" story, but it doesn't go as planned.

Constructive Criticism is fine and welcome, and any compliments are really appreciated! :) 
Hope you all look forward to the next one!
© 2022 - 2025 Mocaric
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MakeThisAvailable's avatar

I mean... Crocs get sweaty really well. Maybe it's a good idea in the future. I was also pretty interested to see where this one would go