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mmp-stock's avatar
Support mmp-stock by flaviacabral

Header Bird Brushes by Lady-Dementia

Welcome to missmarypotter's Stock Art Account on DeviantArt


:star::spotlight-left: Official Contest Entries::spotlight-right::star:
1. The Prisoner by kimber-shd by kimber-shd
2. :thumb37736110: by Serenidade  
3. :thumb37771266: by princess-RxY
4. Dark and Lonely by webgoddess by webgoddess
5. I'll Lure You Here by balloons by balloons

The results are in...
:winner:FIRST Place Winner:winner:

:trophy:SECOND Place Winner:trophy:

:star:THIRD Place Winner::star:

If you are a winner, I will be sending you a note shortly about your prize.
Prizes Include
:winner:FIRST Place Winner will receive::winner:
12 Month Deviant Art Subscription
:trophy:SECOND Place Winner will receive::trophy:
3 Month Deviant Art Subscription
:star:THIRD Place Winner will receive::star:
1 Month Deviant Art Subscription

Judges: It is forbidden to contact judges about how they voted.

:blowkiss:Thank you to all who participated!:blowkiss:</div>
Another contest that might tickle your fancy
Sugar & Spice Contest
Deadline: September 20, 2006
Sponsored by phreakyevil, PhoeebStock legiolinde-stock and closemyeyes-stock</div>

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Stockers that rock
I give permission for one-stop-stock to display my images in their gallery.

Support FlaviaCabral Stock by flaviacabral Support mmp-stock by flaviacabral :thumb26511638:
MissMaryPotter Stamp by missmarypotter Jodi's Stamp by missmarypotter Support Brashier by Brashier
dillman stamp by MeredithDillman Portraits Club Stamp by PortraitsClub :thumb26722350:
The First Sign DA-stamp by missmarypotter Artist Rights by taruto Trash The Hate by S3BR4
:thumb31526062: :thumb31212598: stamp - favorite by ihatemonday
photoshop cs2 fan by deepdesign :thumb32606636: :thumb30393621:
:thumb33167678: Unknown Prints - Stamp by unknown-prints
digital eloquence by dheks Ebay Auctions by missmarypotter Narcissism by missmarypotter
Magic Wings stamp -Jaxter- by ZombiDJ MY, MY ART CLUB STAMP by missmarypotter
MY, FLOWER CLUB STAMP by missmarypotter Support Superman Stamp by deviantStamps :thumb31627367:
© 2006 - 2024 mmp-stock
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Serenidade's avatar
Congrats to all !! :clap: