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Sea Spray Bio



Name: Sea Spray

Personality/Bio:  Sea Spray was one of the first sea ponies Scootaloo met when she decided to move to Seaquestria. During an underwater race, Sea Spray was competing, and Scootaloo fell in love immediately when Sea Spray took 2nd place. After that, Scootaloo was determined to become the fastest swimmer so she could impress Sea Spray. One day, when Sea Spray saw her practicing, she offered to give her some tips, and Scootaloo agreed eagerly. It started out as a one time thing, and it just became a weekly, then daily thing. The two of them were practically inseparable in the days leading up to the next race. During try outs, Scootaloo placed fastest in her group, and Sea Spray was right there to cheer her on. When the day of the big race came, Scootaloo and Sea Spray were very closely tied throughout the whole thing, until Sea Spray ended up winning by just a second. Scootaloo smugly admitted she let her win, just so she could still spend time training with Sea Spray. Of course, we don’t know if that’s true or not, but eventually, the two of them just started dating, and got married a few years after that. They now have an adorable little girl, Anemone, which Sea Spray carried with the help of a little modern magic. They still have friendly little competitions, and encourage their daughter to someday race like they do.

Relationships: Adores Scootaloo with all her heart. Devoted to Anemone as well, and always pushes her to be the best she can be. Friendly with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and enjoys letting Anemone play with her “cousins”, Bubbly Brew and Kickflip.

Special Talent/Cutie Mark: Being a sea pony, she doesn’t have a cutie mark, but she is super athletic and is an avid racer.

Image size
6000x4000px 888 KB
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Blissful690's avatar
You do know we already have a Seaspray in the show, right?