Suggestions for backgrounds to vector, round 2!

6 min read

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MLP-VectorClub's avatar
The first one has finished and the second is nearly there, so it's time we asked once more for your favorite screenshots of landscapes from the show to make vectors of. We heard a few in the previous post, but we'll need a lot more to choose from to keep the projects coming.

Higher quality captures are preferred, but any will do, just say what episode it's from and a time stamp if you can get it. They'll be compiled in to a list here and you can voice your approval for them by going to the original comment and replying with a "+1". Anyone can do this, and we'll note if you're a member of the group if you say so once we've verified it.

You can submit yours to an image host such as, your or Imgur.

From the previous post:

01. Suggested background 1 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 8 members, 0 nonmembers.

02.   Suggested background 2 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 2 members, 0 nonmembers.

(The ones that aren't here were done already, or in the case of the panning view of ponyville too blended together to be done)

New background suggestions:

01. Suggested background 3 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 6 members, 0 nonmembers.

02. Suggested background 4 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 3 members, 0 nonmembers.

03. Suggested background 5 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 3 members, 0 nonmembers.

04. Suggested background 6 by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 3 members, 0 nonmembers.

05. Background #4 Source image by MLP-Vector-Collabs Comment:…
Votes: 5 members, 0 nonmembers.

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krazy3's avatar
I think I've finally found a good one. Inspired by this, I went and capped that scene in 1080p and stitched them all together again.