Group background project #7

7 min read

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Posts in this Series:

Progress: 12/12 parts Complete!

Group Background #7 - Zapapples in Bloom by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Source image:

Background #7 Source image by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Outlined areas:

Background #7 Region map by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Area assignments:

A1: :iconquasdar:Quasdar Far left foreground tree DONE
A2: :iconpiranhaplant1:piranhaplant1 Next from the left large foreground tree DONE
A3: :iconrevelersapprentice:revelersapprentice Third from the left large foreground tree DONE
A4: :iconpirill-poveniy:Pirill-Poveniy Large foreground tree on the right side DONE
A5: :iconrainbownspeedash:rainbownspeedash Bottom left corner large trees DONE
A6: :iconmehoep:mehoep Bottom left corner small trees DONE
A7: :iconanitech:anitech Center-left background trees DONE
A8: :iconpsyxofthoros:Psyxofthoros Back center tree DONE
A9: :icontajarnia:Tajarnia Three small trees behind large tree on the right side DONE
A10: :iconmattyhex:mattyhex Three small trees on the bottom right DONE
A11: :icon3luk:3luk Hills and ground DONE
A12: :iconproenix:Proenix Sun, clouds and sky DONE


:bulletblack: The deadline is the same as #6, 7 days from now, Sept. 21 2012. Let us know if that time frame doesn't work for you, and it could be adjusted if necessary.

:bulletblack: If you'd like to sign up, leave a comment here and we'll see if you can take part.

:bulletblack: If you're going to participate you must use Inkscape.

:bulletblack: Do your tracing from the SVG download posted in the Source image deviation. Don't include the buckets at the bottom, and use the zapapple already provided.

:bulletblack: When you're done, send me your SVG in a note and I'll put them together and submit them on the :iconmlp-vector-collabs: account with credit to all the contributing artists.

Journal skin made by Blackm3sh for MLP-VectorClub
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