Group backgr. project #12 - A bridge in Ponyville

7 min read

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DONE! Group Background #12 - A Bridge In Ponyville by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Source image:

Background #12 Source image by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Outlined areas:

Background #12 Region map by MLP-Vector-Collabs

Deadline: February 8, 23:59 (11:59 PM) - Over!

Important: Please remember that it's an Inkscape-only project! Read the instructions for more info.

Completed areas:

A1 - :iconpsyxofthoros:Psyxofthoros The bridge
A2 - :iconsairoch:Sairoch Grass on the bottom left
A3 - :iconunimportantusername:UnimportantUsername The sky
A4 - :iconzeegaas:ZeeGaaS House on the left
A5 - :icontrildar:Trildar The river, and the terrain behind and on the left of the bridge
A6 - :iconmehoep:mehoep Ground on the bottom right
A7 - :iconhourglass-vectors:Hourglass-Vectors Houses and mountains on the right


:bulletblack: If you'd like to sign up, leave a comment here and we'll see if you can take part. You should be a group member or have examples of vectors you've made to demonstrate your ability. Sections are taken on a first come first serve basis, though I will do my best to give you warning when a new project is coming a few hours prior to posting it. Send me a note to tell me if you want to be notified about these projects.

:bulletblack: This project is Inkscape only. If you're going to participate you have to make your section in Inkscape.

:bulletblack: You MUST do your tracing from the SVG download on either the >>Source image<< or >>Region map<< deviation. This gives you the right reference image at the right canvas size, so your section will have correct size and placement information when I add it to the project.

:bulletblack: Use the minimum number of nodes for each shape to make nice smooth paths. If you don't I'll have to go over your paths and simplify them, delaying the project's release a little bit more. If you don't know what that should look like open up the previous projects in inkscape and check out the node placement.

:bulletblack: Please try to refrain from using features exclusive to Ponyscape and/or newer versions of Inkscape (such as Powerstrokes and Inverse Clips), because they are bound to create severe compatibility issues.

:bulletblack: Please clip objects together to constrain lines within a larger object (like for trees), instead of using masks, which cause problems when something needs adjusting in that section. Everything should still be directly editable once you're finished.

:bulletblack: When you're done, send me your SVG in a note and I'll put them together and submit them on the MLP-Vector-Collabs account with credit to all the contributing artists.

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mehoep's avatar
i'll go for A6 - dirt road Ground on the bottom right :la: