Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: SmoozerMLP-Silver-Quill on DeviantArt

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MLP-Silver-Quill's avatar

Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Smoozer



Ah, the Smooze. I remember watching the original My Little Pony movie and hearing that song several times. This innocent, smiling pile of gak is a very different character.

But that's the fun of a new generation. You can honor the old while witnessing and celebrating the new. This includes seeing the newer Tirek and Grogar working together. Funny how the new counsel of evil is 50–50 G1 and G4 characters.

Thanks once again to :iconboneswolbach: for the Ponyville background:

And to :iconzutheskunk: for some of the gems featured in the falling money:

Of course, thanks as ever to Pinkie Pie Says Goondnight creator :iconundead-niklos:!

Have a great night and enjoy tomorrow's episode!
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Pum6kin's avatar

One DT's best moments ever. Too bad her mother is still having problems with other creatures, though.