Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Schrodinger's GiftMLP-Silver-Quill on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Schrodinger's Gift



So, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Tomorrow might see the premier of Pony Life or it might not. It's been very non-committal.

I've decided to at least open the door to future Goodnights to welcome this new series. We'll see how this all plays out but I hope folks will enjoy!

The party cave comes courtesy of :iconboneswolbach::

Thanks as always to :iconundead-niklos:, creator of Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight. Have a good night, everyone!
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© 2020 - 2025 MLP-Silver-Quill
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EmilyLsArt's avatar

Here it is, the continuing misadventures of the Goodnight series when Pony Life was set to air. I actually seen a few pages of this arc over the course of two years already, but this time I'm going to read them completely (and finally catch up in this pretty-good series)!

Loving it already!

But seriously what is in that box??

We'll find out! Hehehe... :D (trust me, I've viewed the next few pages of this, and it is pretty surprising)