Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: No Spoilers!MLP-Silver-Quill on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: No Spoilers!



The best laid plans of ponies and... whatever I am. My intent was to do some of these comics during the hiatus but a couple family emergencies and personal health wrecked that for a while. Things are more settled now and I'm looking forward to helping Pinkie wish everyone a goodnight before a new episode!

Thanks once again to :iconundead-niklos:, the original creator of Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight! And to BonesWolbach :iconboneswolbach:, who created the Ponyville background.

Before the season starts, sound off in the comments which characters you'd like to see guest star alongside Pinkie!
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Scholarly-Cimmerian's avatar
So, was the first Pinkie Pie really Rainbow Dash in a disguise? Or has the Mirror Pool gotten better at making doubles? 

Ah what the heck, it's funnier not to know. :XD: