Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Moving ForwardMLP-Silver-Quill on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Moving Forward



I didn't get many chances to draw the old Changeling design. Nice to revisit it. Episodes like To Change a Changeling and Ocellus' character have helped me become more fond of the newer designs. I decided to see how the new look would fare with a warmer red color scheme.

As for the name "Loogie", I tried to think of the most indignant name one could bestow when terms like thorax and pharynx are body parts. This is just a slimy step removed. I'm hoping other folks can cook up a better name. :)

Thanks once again to :iconundead-niklos: for giving me permission to continue Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight. I hope you all have a great night and enjoy tomorrow's episode(s)!
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TheSourceOfFear's avatar

I love the part where pinkie gets bound and gagged, can you do more bound and gagged scenes (please).