Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: IdeasMLP-Silver-Quill on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Ideas



I really wanted to include Aquaman and an "Outrageous!" quote, but a week with a convention, comic review, and trying to review season 9 really limits my time.

I didn't like Batman: The Brave and the Bold when it began. It took a little while to abandon expectations and accept the show's own style rather than cling to past iterations. I think that will be a challenge for the My Little Pony franchise's reception down the line. I grew to enjoy Batman & Co. and especially loved their final farewell.

I'm hoping for similarly fond memories of Friendship is Magic but that comes later. Tomorrow is a new episode and I'm eager to see. I hope you all are as well.

Once again I rely on the vectoring talents of :iconboneswolbach: for the Ponyville background:

And again I thank :iconundead-niklos: for starting the Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight tradition. I've taken plenty of liberties but I hope the spirit remains true.

Have a good night and enjoy tomorrow's episode!
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