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Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: And Counting



Amazing how many comics have come from these early releases. Pinkie Pie has been a curious companion but it's been a lot of fun. I hope you've enjoyed the journey as well.

I counted :iconundead-niklos: gallery of the original run and subtracted things like covers. I feel like I've been doing these for a shorter time, but have a larger count because these early releases have been a strange run. We'll see how they play out for the rest of the season.

Thanks once again to :iconboneswolbach: for creating Pinkie Pie's secret lair:
Pinkies Secret Lair by BonesWolbach

Have a goodnight, everyone!
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2000x8482px 6.75 MB
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tacobob's avatar
Adorable as always...Although she has a habit of wishing goodnight during the day..What's with that? >:)