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A Princess' Tears - Part 11



<=Part 10 | Story's Start | Part 12=>

In the past week, I've seen two sets of families with a little girl dressed like a princess. As for my own childhood, princesses were always ladies who got locked up in towers by villains and needed a rescue. I couldn't understand the appeal for girls.

I come back to how I felt at the end of Magical Mystery Cure. Twilight has all the traits of a capable leader and I don't consider her crown undeserved. My real issue is with the myth that being a princess is soooo wonderful and so much better than being something like a teacher, scientist, or some other profession. Any leadership role is hard, and I think we do women a disservice by presenting the image of someone in power without any noticeable burdens. Equestria Girls didn't really help this, as becoming princess was a popularity contest. I guess I'll see what kind of an image of princess-hood MLP presents when Twilight starts a new chapter of her life in November.

In the meanwhile, thanks to everyone for checking out this comic!
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ninjasharkV's avatar

Let’s see if twilight can tame this wildcard ninja