Secondary Ponysona:  Firelightning  ReferenceMLP-HeartSong-FiM on DeviantArt

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Secondary Ponysona: Firelightning Reference



"Yo, You wanna spark up a little competition?"  
Parents:    Swift Blaze, Pheonixia
Species:  Pegasus/Female
Special talent:   Fire element manipulation
Occupation:    Firefighter (Big shocker)
Nickname(s):  Fire, Lightning, Rebel, She-Demon
Age:   fluxes actually
Birthday:  August 4th
Height:   "5" in human measurements
Orientation:   Aromantic Asexual
Relationship Status:    Never interested


FireLightning was born with her family's natural talent to manipulate fire, and be able to transform into a firey beast. She often uses her abilities to control and stop fires, which lead to her being the chief.

FireLightning's family is full of arrogant, apathetic, and ruthless ponies (except her brother, Firebolt Brave) who will abuse their abilities to get what they want. FireLightning saw how much pain and suffering her family caused, and successfully escaped their lifestyle, though her brother wasn't so lucky. She met HeartSong and Scarlette Scribbles, and neve rleft their side, and as far as we now, she calls them her real family.

FireLightning isn't the smartest pony, she is kind of stubborn, short-sided and a little close minded. Though she makes up for this with her bold, braveness, and pure loyalty. She'll never back down in a fight, and won't stop until she wins. She shares her apartment with SS and Hs, and they gossip and always have girls' night out in Manehattan.

She's been noticed to attend to Pegasus races, and it may be because she secretly wants to be a famous flier, but doesn't know how to get in without losing her friends. Shes unaware that she's related to Wonderbolt leader, Spitfire.

FireLightning's hobbies include: Fire dances, helping the locals when its time for winter wrap up, or just having fun by herself or with friends.


FireLightning disowned her family and left her poor older brother, and he longs to re-unite with his baby sister. He wished that he went with her when she left, as he's very lonely and numb inside.

FireLightning's first true friend was HeartSong, a small, pink Pegasus. Fire showed HeartSong around and they met Scarlette Scribbles, and the trio has bee inseperable since. She helped HS get over her shyness, and saved Scarlette from thieves.

Scarlette Scribbles is FireLightning's make-shift psychologist, and helps her get her anger in non-violent and harmful ways. Scarlette encouraged FL to join the Manehattan flight team, and she helps support FireLightning anyway she can.

(FL can be put into different 'Universes' [my other fandoms], and interactions and relationships depend on situation, though SS and HS will likely be inserted as well.)


- FireLightning is not afraid of water, but avoids it if she can, but does take showers and keeps herself clean, of course.

- FL has a pet phoenix that she dubbed, "Firedance", and the two often do some stunts together.

- FL can se herself on fire and become a total firey beast if not controlled when angered.

- She's an Engineer Officer in Star Trek, A Gryffindor student in Harry Potter (along with SS and HS).

- She was born in Summer during a heat wave, and this caused FL to be sensitive to the cold, she's not a fan of cold things, other than ice cream.

Powers/Abilities Facts:  

- FL can use her fire powers to regenerate after battles, hence why she has no scars.

- Because she's the elements of both Loyalty and Bravery (Magic was replaced), she is unbelievably powerful.

- FL's sass cannot be matched, and is probably worse than a death sentence, believe me.

- FL is a realist, and this points a new view on situations.
Ya'll this FireLightninng, the cocky pyrotechnic who loves to artistic dorks.

Art + Character | :iconmlp-heartsong-fim: | 2017
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anonymous's avatar
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DylanCArt's avatar
Nice art work you did.