Shadow the Hedgehog/Sunset Shimmer Similarities by Oldsalty65, literature
Shadow the Hedgehog/Sunset Shimmer Similarities
Both Shadow the Hedgehog and Sunset Shimmer have various similarities that parallel with each other and I’m going to go in detail about them.
Both characters' first appearance was in an anniversary title for their franchise that was highly cinematic.
Both characters were created to be an evil ‘’dark/edgy’’ Counterpart/rival of the protagonist.
Along with “replacing” the original two counterparts/rivals of the protagonist.
The first being one who was the protagonist’s temperamental opposite....
...While the other being a ‘’copycat’’ of the protagonist who can match who can match their every move and believes that ‘there can be only one’.
Both characters were attended to be a one-off character, but plans changed later on, and they both appeared in more installments in the franchise...
...Even to the point they were the star of the franchise for a time.
Both characters were or are after a
Legends of Magic - Chapter One by EchoWing, literature
Legends of Magic - Chapter One
Chapter One: The Vision of the Scholar
Golden Oak Library was rarely a place without some research being done by its occupant and proprietor. Today was no exception, as Princess Twilight Sparkle found herself going over one of her many tomes in the hopes of finding some nugget of knowledge to aid in her research. She groaned as she put aside her latest volume and looked to her friends. “Any luck?”
Quiver Quill looked up from the volume before him and shook his head. “Afraid not, Twilight.” He gently moved the book aside as a fresh cup of tea was laid out for him. “Thanks, Spike.”
“Hey, no problem. I know how to handle things for long study sessions.” The young drake looked at the growing pile of discarded books and grumbled, “Kinda wish this one wasn’t going nearly this long, though.”
Several of the volumes were enveloped in magic as Sour Sweet approached him and grinned. “Good thing you’re not the only one doing the cleanup now, isn’t it?”
Spike gave an
Contemplating Chaos
It was a warm late-summer day in Ponyville, a few odd clouds lazily drifting through the sky and a general sense of peace and ease present throughout the town. Nowhere was this more present than Fluttershy’s cottage, where birds happily chirped and one critter or another went about their business. The inside of the cottage was no exception.
“Wait, so Twilight’s spell to get the vampire fruit bats to not go after Applejack’s harvest led to you turning into a vampire bat-pony?” Quiver Quill let out a low exhale and shook his head as he accepted a refill of his tea. “Wow. Even by Ponyville standards, that’s something.”
“I know. Twilight’s still amazed it even happened in the first place.” Fluttershy refilled her own cup and continued, “She thinks it was due to very unique circumstances, including me having some thestrals in my family tree and my own innate magic, that led to it. I’m just glad everypony got me back to my senses.”
“Same here, and that
Six Nights (and a Day) With Sunset - Epilogue EDIT by EchoWing, literature
Six Nights (and a Day) With Sunset - Epilogue EDIT
“Now darling, what precisely did you mean by ‘everything’?” Sunset Shimmer smiled and assured her friends, “That was what Twilight said in her message. Princess Celestia wants to talk with us, and a few others, about everything. I’m guessing all the stuff that went down at the Fall Formal is part of it.” Rarity pursed her lips as she pondered that while Sunset led them into the teacher’s lounge, Pinkie Pie dashing off to the vending machines for snacks. “Well, it’s no doubt important, and I don’t like the idea of turning down an audience with royalty.” Applejack grinned as they approached the mirror leading into the bridge realm. “Ain...