Manly Makeup tutorialMKToxic on DeviantArt

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Manly Makeup tutorial



Hey, hey guys, I forgot two steps, because I'm herpderp.

After you lay down your base of foundation + cream concealer, set that bitch up with a powder in either translucent or a shade in your skin tone. Cream concealer will become streaky and crease when it heats from your body temperature, and we don't want your lovely makeup running away!
This is optional, but I've done it before and it works great. When you're finished and satisfied with your makeup, set all of it with translucent powder. After that, I know it sounds silly as hell, but use hairspray to further set the area with your facial hair. I did this on Halloween when I was Bret Michaels for work, and that mustache and goatee didn't go anywhere, even though I was running around in an 80 degree building. :'D

Do you want to see this tutorial again in video form? Go to the poll on my profile and let me know!

SO. I said in my Xiahou Dun makeup test picture that I'd eventually do a tutorial for it, and here it is, in all it's masculine glory.

Good lord I can't wait to get my crepe hair. Facial hair is made a bazillion times more amazing with it. SO EXCITE.

You are such a grouch, Xiahou Dun. Stop lying.
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EyelessJackie27's avatar
So helpful! Awesome! :D