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Awakened: Light


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I'm happy to finally have the time to finish the second half of my tribute to the next chapter of the Star Wars saga: Episode VII! This time I have created the work after watching the film (a hundred or more times by now), and I'm glad my first design might appropriately fit some themes that might be explored in the these movies.

My concept for the "Awakened" series is all about balance. Both characters have powerful ties to the light side and dark side of the Force. I'm very excited to see both Rey and Kylo's story arcs and what will happen in the next two episodes, as well as all the great things to come from Star Wars!

If you want to follow more of my work (sketches, etc.), look for the links to my social media (Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.)
Image size
900x1350px 877.81 KB
© 2015 - 2024 mkmatsumoto
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This is awesome! Are you making tarot cards?