Wolken-MaschineMJ00 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mj00/art/Wolken-Maschine-54294468MJ00

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MJ00's avatar




Wolken-Maschine = cloud machine
And another work for the terraspace-contest from me.I had this idea a vey long time ago already in my mind, first only with a world over the clouds and later with the machine, which creates the clouds.
I never found the time or the inspiration to start with it, but now I finally got it :D
Hmm, yes, I don’t have much to say about. At least I can say that I put much effort and heart into it and that I like and love it how it is and I hope that you like it too ;)

[Original size (2050x6050) ]
Print will come soon ;)

[Edit] Ok, I knew that many people would think that the bottom part is water, but it is meant to be sky, so there is no reflection. I don't now would I could have done to amke it more clear.
Image size
800x2246px 509.07 KB
© 2007 - 2025 MJ00
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Chromattix's avatar
The warm colours make this very peaceful-like, and different to the traditional blues that are used in sky-related peices. and its seems you did the smoke in "burn" mode, which yeilds the same effect as pollution in real life.