Unguarded - Lighter VersionMizunokoArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mizunokoart/art/Unguarded-Lighter-Version-641688817MizunokoArt

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Unguarded - Lighter Version



(See original dark version here:
Unguarded... by TheWinterBunny
Just made this one lighter so you could see the details. :heart:
I like the darker version personally, as it's more realistic to the scene, but this one shows the colours and details a little more.)

I Found - Amber Run

I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense, then you'll lose your mind
And I'll use you as focal point
So I don’t lose sight of what I want

And I've moved further than I thought I could
But I miss you more than I thought I would...

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me, 

Talk some sense to me...


Nick was crashing on the couch when he woke up, hearing Judy suffering from nightmares. He'd entered her room to try and wake her, and ended up with a trembling bunny in his arms.

Judy suffering from nightmares she can't bring herself to explain fully, and poor Nick is at a loss of how to appropriately comfort his partner without crossing any boundaries. What do you do when you find love where it isn't supposed to be? When it catches you off guard and it terrifies you at the same time - terrifies you of loosing something you never knew you couldn't live without...


So this one took me the longest to make, been lowkey working on it all week, but... I'm really pleased with how it turned out in the end. 

A really touching moment from kingofsomething's fanfic, A Zootopian Misadventure - which if you haven't given a read, I suggest you get your assets in gear and remedy it post haste!

I had a pleasure working with Kingy on this - he's allowed me to work on this and didn't get to see it till the very end, so I'm hoping he's pleased with the final result!

NOTE: This is a commission, please respect that. This means that only kingofsomething has any rights / claim to this image as its his commission. Llama Emoji-60 (Snug or Hug) [V3] 

P.S: See if you can find my "The Little Prince" easter egg in there. :heart:

Nick and Judy © Disney Heart
Art © to me and kingofsomething 

P.S.S: THANK YOU KING FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL JOURNAL!!! I read it and got all mushy inside and all teary eyed and all wooooooohLlama Emoji-02 (Blush) [V1] Thank you so much! (PS. and yes you are right about the advertising thing! XD)

My Tumblr: TheWinterBunny
Image size
2600x1865px 4.41 MB
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OnionDome's avatar

Lovely couple 💖