Mizulyn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mizulyn/art/Honest-Ponysona-288108955Mizulyn

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Mizulyn's avatar

Honest Ponysona



I actually doodled this months ago, but I didn't get around to finishing it 'til just now : D

The one on the left felt like such a lie, so I figured- why don't I make an "expectations vs reality" thing! (The left one is kind of based off this old one [link] )

I think it somehow makes the character look more unique, even if the hair style and colors are really plain. (Diverse body types are much more interesting than a bunch of tacked on bells and whistles, at least in my opinion XD) Not to say that normal/slim types are uninteresting! (Heck Mr. Cake is slim and he's still unique XD) But by bells and whistles I mean like typical sparkle dog stuff :'D

Also: Y'know how some background ponies are made by mixing and matching pre-existing character models? I think if I were a flash-generated pony living in Equestria, I'd probably be made up of:
:bulletblack: the legs of a Beta-male pony (like Caramel- since their legs are slightly thicker than the girl ponies)
:bulletblack: Twist's nose
:bulletblack: Snips' all-around chunkiness (just made to scale of course)
:bulletblack: and maybe some Fluttershy eyes :U

Yeah that sounds about right

FiM (c) :iconhasbroplz: & :iconfyre-flye:
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EyeoftheDracoArt's avatar
I like that you went for an honest 'sona- and an Earth pony at that! :D