Qantassaurus intrepidusMiyess on DeviantArt

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Qantassaurus intrepidus



Qantassaurus is a genus of fast, bipedal, herbivorous dinosaur that lived in Australia about 115 million years ago, when the continent was still south of the Antarctic Circle. It was the size of a small grey kangaroo, and had huge eyes to help it see in the polar night. It was discovered by Patricia Vickers-Rich and her husband Tom Rich near Inverloch in 1996, and named after QANTAS, the Australian airline. Qantassaurus was about 1.8 meters (6 feet) long, and about 1 meter (3 feet) high. It had short thighs and long shins, its four-toed feet had claws for traction, and the long tail probably helped with turning.

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