Bri's Meme SK---SpoilersMiyavaAria on DeviantArt

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Bri's Meme SK---Spoilers



I LOVE THIS MEME! I can't draw so this is perfect for meh.

1. I Adore, ADORE, shaman king. ^_^ One of the few anime (stupid non plural) that I own/love in english.
2. Yoh is my top SK character. But I also love: horo, ren, hao, lyserg, ryu, pirika, jun, faust, eliza, etc..... (in no real order.)
3. He's cute, lazy, a good friend, does whats right but doesn't go all hero about it...
4. Yeah it's from the manga. But I did hit print screen. :3 I hate "Dad" as he is called.
5. He just looks at his son and walks away! He doesn't care one bit! Not one! Geeze at least Ren's dad tried to make it up to him.
6. Faust x Eliza ftw, followed by HoroRen of course <3
7. Geeze >.> I'm not sure I've come across a pairing I don't like. I guess Ren x Bason would work but Bri has my DVD's so I had trouble finding episodes and couldn't find the SS I wanted. ><
8. "Fine we'll tell you our names before you die. Starting from the end."
"Sally." "Lilly." "Milly." "Ellie." "Sharona!"
"Why doesn't she have a lly in her name?"
9. "This is a joke right ren? ...Ren? REN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -horohoro
10. Need I say anything?
11. I actually picked that because every time we (Bri, Tracker and I) try to marathon it, it becomes a odd night. So this was a sum up/joke.

Blank (c) Otaku-Bri
Shaman King (c) Original Creators/Licensesers. For all anime versions and manga.
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anulka406's avatar
Is 11 actually a scene from Shaman King anime? I never saw it... Which episode is this from?