LiFe iS a gAme

8 min read

Deviation Actions

MixedMilkChOcOlate's avatar
Hello, this news is about game submited in DeviantArt (so especially flash game) because everyday news flash awesomeness come and I want to speak about this improving !
Plus I added some useful stuff and if you like game or you want to make flash game, this news is for you :la:


:bulletyellow:MY NEW EMOTICON GAME

First, I want to show you my last work, an emoticon game called "Box2Bounce".
This is a platform game and the hero is a blue emote, a simple mario like in the magik world of Emotes !

If you want to give a try at this game

Box2Bounce by MixedMilkChOcOlate


:bulletyellow:DEVIANT GAME

Secondly, let me show you my favorite DeviantArt game... Ready for the best ?

Pancake Rebellion by kakbarnf
Hapland by kakbarnf

Hapland by RainCookie

FA Jelly Shooter by snowbunnyluv
Commission-FA Jelly Shooter by snowbunnyluv


I want to focus this news on "Emote" game to show up the improvment of the community

:bulletblue:Emoticon maze challenge by CookiemagiK

the most famous and maybe one of the best game with emote all around the web :

Emoticon maze challenge by CookiemagiK

The important part in a game is the user experience and CookiemagiK made a good work in this game, with menu and good explanation of his game !
I would point to the importance "How to play" :la:

Hard gamers asked this game is a real challenge ! ;)


:bulletblue:EmoteXEmote by MenInASuitcase and  MixedMilkChOcOlate

A game about fight (guy I know you like that :XD: ) with emotes !

EmoteXEmote by MixedMilkChOcOlate

I work on this game too and for this one I want to focus on a preloader... I can't make one at this time and I really think this is useful so if you can add one, please do it.
In this game me and MenInASuitcase tried to make multiplayer gamer on a computer this is not a simple task, but the originality is here I think :aww:

is much easier to win when playing alone :paranoid:


:bulletblue:skatepark project by Emoticlown-ist

This year a lot of project with emoticon was made by many deviant and I can't featured all but I can't forgot all the good flash project here in DA

skatepark project by Emoticlown-ist

But you must think that a good project dont need flash to be good and flash isn't a solution to everything ;)

Hard gamers asked this game is a real challenge ! ;)



Platform Game by madb0y sims emote by MenInASuitcase Save the babies :3 by MenInASuitcase tard on the road-flash game by MenInASuitcase Game DEMO - Emote Dash by Ravmaster :thumb113094376: :thumb131958054: Christmas Game by de-Mote

My personnal other flash emotes games

Piggy Running Flash Game by MixedMilkChOcOlate Race Tard Rocket by MixedMilkChOcOlate Drag And Drop The blank family by MixedMilkChOcOlate

This part is for flash users, or futur users ;)
(this is how I work but everybody do what they want)

- Find an idea and a style for your game (platform, maze, rpg,...)
- Start the work and make the game engine (example in "Box2Bounce, I made one level and the emote moving)
- Draw sprite, to take a break with coding and have fun with drawing :la: (hero, item, background,...)
- Add user interface (menu to play, how to play, credit, funny stuff,...)
- Now make more level, try to use the first level and generate other in the same way (usually I used "array" to generate level easily)
- Add Sound :cd:
- Add preloader... :lol:
- Beta-Testing :dummy: (give your game to someone and he will tell you why you suck :giggle: )
- Done :happycry:



- Tutorial for flash emoticon project : Flash Project Tutorial by MixedMilkChOcOlate
- How make a move with arrow key in actionscript 3 :…
- Want to try flash ? but this is too expenssive ? Flash For Free here :
- Usefull tools to make pixelart sprite and background :…


Thank you for reading my news, I'm sorry I don't speak english very well but I try to help with my knowledge :aww:

A big thanks to Tifa22 for helping me with the news :thanks:
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anian0's avatar
jó játék :> :D