Legate, The one Winged ZebraMixDaPonies on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mixdaponies/art/Legate-The-one-Winged-Zebra-774339194MixDaPonies

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Legate, The one Winged Zebra



Spoilers for Project Horizons.

in book 5, it's revealed that the Legate works for the Eater of souls and wants to revive it so he can conquer the cosmos with the planet as his vessel. Aka, Sombra got even more lazy with his writing and decided to rip off Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
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ComicSansPony's avatar
but...Amadi didn't have wings.  I mean before the reveal of his identity he wore the dragon skull and dyed his red stipes black, but if we are talking about the same character....he had no wings just freaky, zebra, star magic.