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Ciel Half-Cage Tutorial .En.



So, it's finally done!

I'm really sorry for the delay on this tutorial, but it turned out to be harder than I expected to explain everything. Even harder to translate it to english! XD

I'm very meticulous, so, I think many of you regret now the fact that I finally finished the Tutorial, and that it seems terrifying! XDDDD

Sorry if there's too much in it, but it was the best way I found to explain everything in tiny details. Hope it's usefull to all of you guys ^-^

Feel free to ask anything that's not clear enough on the tutorial, I'll be glad to answer.

Finally, thnks a LOT to my friends who helped me translating and reviewing this ^-^

Link to the video, by :iconlita-oliveira: : [link]

Review: :iconsaphira-rius: and sam
Translation: :iconjmayura: and Sam ^--^

Versão em português: [link]
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1000x5000px 3.06 MB
© 2011 - 2024 Mitz-chan
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Nik-2213's avatar
Bravo !!

FWIW, I'm collecting ideas for my PoserPro WIP, 'Princess Pea', a cute alien bug-girl with a *big* bee-butt.

To have anatomically plausible butt, I reckon bustle would have to attach to bra-top's under-bust band...