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Just dropped by to...
...wish you all a very merry holiday time and loads of cookies (or meat, if you're not the sweet tooth kind or just prefer both, like me).
I know I'm like totally vacant, but best you know I remember where you live and if you as much as think I don't care about you guys any more, then I'll hunt you down and feed you to Santa. ;)
Happy kinky smexy new year!
Survived the holidays, somehow. Huh! How did you? Haven't had time to spend around internetz much, so seriously, what's up, buddies?
Main news here is that I joined JanNoWriMo - yesss, January is now officially a novel writing month for me, working on A white wind arises, as ever. Meanwhile working-working-struggling to survive.
Heather LunaticStar ( and me along with other inspiring authors got teased and featured in a news' article. Wanna see - :thumb275701757: ?
I'll get back to my writing preparations, OK? :)
Love you all a lot, seriously!
Nanowrimonster defeated!
Proud winner here.
Novel now consists 50 000 more words than it did in October. Also, novel now has 102 831 words.
Thinking it'll take around 50 000 or so to get this to the end of the first book (provided I manage to decide how exactly said book should end - where to leave off with this one and begin with the new one, which is partially a sequel.)
Thanks to those wonderful people who held my hand (I now have a few extra) and talked me through this month. You rock!
Conversation with my Novel, part I
Novel: So, you're aware that your fleshed out plans for chapters last only for the next...*drumroll* 3 chapters, right?
Me: Um, yes?
Novel: So, what happens after that?
Me: I'm not quite sure. I'll have to sit down and think. But hey, wouldn't you know? You're the Novel.
Novel: Exactly. I'm the Novel. You're the Novelist. Last time I checked Novelists wrote Novels and not vice versa.
Me: Wow, you speak Latin.
Novel: So do you. It doesn't make you a tad bit smarter. And what's with you and goats?
Me: Goats?
Novel: I've noticed that during the last three chapters there are a lot of goats and goat-related scenes in me. What are you t
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