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Mikaela Stulen
396 Watchers82 Deviations

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Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (102)
My Bio

I'm a silly Swede living for art! I also like teasing my equally silly husband, playing games with friends and wishes I had a cat..

I'm currently working as a game artist at King during the day, and paint during the night.

I am generally friendly so don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or just want to talk randomness.


Favourite Visual Artist
I'm a stalker ^^; and generally I have a lot of favourites and they vary all the time. I do however enjoy especially the works of Klimt, Toulouse-Lautrec and am also inspired by pin-up paintings. Photography and digital painters are also a big inspiration
Favourite Movies
The Little Mermaid :heart:
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones :heart: (also How I met your mother, and The Big Bang Theory ^^)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
also varies a lot - right now I'm into swedish artists, such as Linnea Henriksson, Veronica Maggio andPetra Marklund. Epic movie music is also always a hit ^^
Favourite Books
Everything Tolkien ofc!! Fairytales are also great... and Harry Potter must also be mentioned
Favourite Writers
Tolkien ofc, Astrid Lindgren (Swedish children's book author), Brandon Sanderson
Favourite Games
League of Legends :heart:, also Torchlight, Super Mario bros and other older games ^^ (In the Groove or Dance Dance Revolution are also great games I will forever love ^^)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Mobile haha
Tools of the Trade
iPad Pro with Artstudio Pro, Pencils and paper also :p
Other Interests
Teasing my husband, playing Lasertag, Stalking artists for epic art XD
So I'll be entering a contest, and one of the prerequisites is to do a journal about the contest! And it's a really big one, really cool one - the original journal about the contest is here: And here's some info about it! ^^ Rules Main Theme:This isn't a set theme from this contest the following are just bonuses for the contest you can submit anything related to W.I.T.C.H. in this contest that means anything you draw will be allowed as long as it is family friendly. Bonus Themes Hypnosis: is a bonus for this contest and will count fo
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...Santa! So ... &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Merry Christmas :D .. soon at least :p I have a feeling I wont do another journal until after so I'm taking this chance to say it :heart: I just started watching Gintama and it's such a great show >__< Everybody should watch it ^^ To my SecretSanta :heart: I'd like one of these: - A fanart of Howl and Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle :heart: I love that movie ^^ - A drawing of a cute couple in cute clothes (harajuku-style, if by chance you don't know what that are some examples ^^
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HELLO PEOPLE!! I haven't had a scanner during the summerholidays so I've been a liiittle inactive. But now I've fallen into the trap again >_< as I always do xD it's lovely to be back hehee.. I've been finishing a lot of old stuff that I will upload soon and also some new :) Aaand I've been tagged >_< Good reason to write a new journal, but now I have to write it all too.. mpph.. ah well, here we goo! 1. Post these rules 2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves 3. Tags should write a journal / blog of these facts 4. At the end of the post 8 more persons are tagged and named 5. Go to their page and leave a comm
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Profile Comments 692

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Hello, are you open for requests or art-trades maybe? I'm asking you because you have a beautiful gallery and style of drawing
Your art is beautiful
Grattis i efterskott! Ett av dina verk är med i KingdomOfSwedens födelsedagsfeature som du finner här:… :party:
I love how you paint
Aw thanks a lot!! I'm happy you like it ^^
Grattis i förskott! Ett av dina verk är med i KingdomOfSwedens födelsedagsfeature som du finner här:… :party:
Hello, I am going around telling people about my latest major contests :). It's worth alot of points and if you like you can get your prize in cash. the details and rules are posted in the contest rules here:… :).