Horse Head LineartMistyhills on DeviantArt

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Horse Head Lineart


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Horse Head Front View Lineart

Almost four years ago I uploaded a horse face line-art that you can see below. Because it seems it's been fairly popular and used I decided to update it and I must say I'm a lot more pleased with this one. :dummy:

Since I'm trying to earn some points for a future show (more information will come Soon™) these lines are not free, but will be available for everyone for 10 :points: (without the watermark).
Horse head lineart by Mistyhills


:bulletblack: Always credit me.
:bulletblack: Do not use without paying. I'm really not asking for a lot of points and they will be used for prizes and giveaways.
:bulletblack: You may use it for whatever you want on Deviantart, horse references, design sales, etc.
:bulletblack: Ask me if you want to use it outside of Deviantart.
:bulletblack: Do not re-post these lines uncolored, or claim them as your own.
:bulletblack: Do not trace these lines.
:bulletblack: Please notify me of use, I would love to see your work (Optional).

Reference: Own photo
Tools: Wacom Intuos Pro & Photoshop CC

© Art created by Mistyhills 2015
Image size
1119x1900px 235.52 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Mistyhills
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Senjou3tails's avatar

Crap, I thought these were free.
I swear I read it repeatedly.
You want a custom horse? Give me genes and I'll give you a hooved baby.

Points will be incoming as well.