Networking (Film)MistaSeth on DeviantArt

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Networking (Film)



A link to the short film: [link]

This short film was a final project for my Concepts and Theories image arts course at school. This is not a completed version but unfortunately, due to a hard drive failure, this may be the closest to completion that the film will ever be.

I played the role of the main character in the film and took on the role of screenwriter and art director. The other credits are as follows:

Director - Shailen Asnani
Editor/Visual Effects - Adin Dell
Cinematographer - Sean Singh
Original Music - Mohammad Gilani
Producer - Natasha Kennedy
Everyone involved also performed in the film with the exception of Mohammad Gilani. James Warrack performed the role of the interviewer.

Special thanks to James Warrack and Dell Video Productions.
Image size
1010x768px 362.9 KB
© 2012 - 2025 MistaSeth
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dominiquebellamy's avatar
That's awesome!!!! I love the concept!!! I really wish people had to face what they do through technology in everyday life. People would be a lot more honest.